What Does A Baby Pigeon Look Like?

  • Post author:
  • Post published:December 12, 2022
  • Post category:Pigeon FAQs
  • Post comments:1 Comment
  • Post last modified:January 29, 2023
  • Reading time:16 mins read

What does a baby pigeon look like? Have you ever seen one? Baby pigeons are adorable creatures that are full of life and energy. These fascinating birds are born bald, blind, and pink, but quickly grow and develop into fully-feathered adults.

In this article, I will take a closer look at the appearance of baby pigeons at various stages of their growth, from when they are first born until they are six weeks old. I will also compare a young adult pigeon with a fully matured adult.

Let’s get started!

A baby pigeon on my hand

My photos of baby pigeons

In this article, I am sharing a collection of pictures of baby pigeons that I have taken over the years. These pictures showcase the different stages of a baby pigeon’s development, from when they are first born until they are fully-grown adults.

Through these pictures, you can see the incredible transformation that baby pigeons go through as they grow and mature. I hope you enjoy these pictures and learn something new about baby pigeons along the way.

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What does a baby pigeon look like when it’s born?

When a baby pigeon is born, they are completely bald and pink. Over the next few days, soft, downy feathers will begin to cover their body.

These feathers, called “down” feathers, provide insulation and warmth to the baby pigeon. The down feathers will be gray or white at first, but will quickly turn brown as the baby pigeon grows and develops.

Overall, baby pigeons are small, vulnerable creatures that are completely dependent on their parents for care and nourishment.

Newly-born baby pigeon

Main characteristics of a newly-born baby pigeon

When a baby pigeon is born, they are:

  • Completely bald
  • Pink in color
  • Blind
  • Covered in soft, downy feathers that provide insulation and warmth
  • About the size of a golf ball
  • Unable to fly or take care of themselves

What does a baby pigeon look like when it’s one week old?

At one week old, the baby pigeon’s feathers will have grown more and they will start to look more like an adult pigeon.

However, they will still be covered in soft, downy feathers and will not have the distinct color patterns and markings of their breed yet.

Their eyes will also be open at this point and they will begin to explore their surroundings.

A week-old baby pigeon

Main characteristics of a one-week-old baby pigeon

At one week old, a baby pigeon will have:

  • Started to grow their feathers in more, giving them a fluffier appearance
  • Developed the ability to open their eyes and begin to explore their surroundings
  • Started to develop the unique color patterns and markings of their breed, although these will not be fully defined yet
  • Grown slightly in size, but will still be small and vulnerable
  • Begun to develop the muscle strength and coordination they need to start flying, but will not yet be able to fly

What does a baby pigeon look like when it’s two weeks old?

At two weeks old, the baby pigeon’s feathers will continue to grow in and they will start to develop the unique color patterns and markings of their breed.

However, they will still be unable to fly at this point and will mostly stay in their nest, being cared for by their parents.

What does a baby pigeon look like?

Main characteristics of a two-week-old baby pigeon

At two weeks old, a baby pigeon will have:

  • Continued to grow and develop their feathers, which will be more defined and will start to take on the unique color patterns and markings of their breed
  • Developed the ability to fly, although they will still mostly stay in their nest and be cared for by their parents
  • Grown slightly in size and will be more active and independent
  • Begun to develop the skills they need to survive on their own
  • Started to look more like an adult pigeon in terms of their appearance, although they will still be smaller and less developed than a fully-grown adult

What does a baby pigeon look like when it’s three weeks old?

At three weeks old, the baby pigeon’s feathers will be fully grown in and they will have developed the distinctive color patterns and markings of their breed.

They will also have the strength and muscle development they need to start flying. At this point, the baby pigeon will start to leave the nest and explore their surroundings more.

3-week old baby pigeon

Main characteristics of a three-week-old baby pigeon

At three weeks old, a baby pigeon will have:

  • Feathers that are structured and defined
  • The unique color patterns and markings of their breed
  • The ability to fly and take care of themselves

What does a baby pigeon look like when it’s four weeks old?

At four weeks old, the baby pigeon will be fully feathered and will have all of the skills they need to survive on their own. They will be able to fly and will start to forage for food and explore their surroundings.

At this point, the baby pigeon will be almost indistinguishable from an adult pigeon in terms of its appearance. Their feathers will be fully grown in and they will have the unique color patterns and markings of their breed.

4-week old baby pigeon

The baby pigeon will be active and independent and will be able to take care of itself in the wild.

What does a baby pigeon look like when it’s five-six weeks old?

At five and six weeks old, the baby pigeon will continue to grow and mature, but its appearance will not change significantly. They will be fully feathered and will have all of the skills they need to survive on their own.

The main difference between a five- or six-week-old baby pigeon and a fully-grown adult pigeon is in their size and overall development. The baby pigeon will still be slightly smaller and less developed than a fully-grown adult pigeon.

5-week old young pigeon

However, in terms of their appearance, they will be almost identical to adult pigeons, with fully-grown, mature feathers and the unique color patterns and markings of their breed.

What is the difference between an adult and a young adult pigeon?

Even though they look similar, there are some differences:

  • Young pigeons do not have white beaks (yet).
  • Young pigeons do not have orange eyes (yet).
  • An adult pigeon may have more developed and colorful plumage, while a young adult pigeon may still be developing its adult feathers.
  • An adult pigeon is typically more independent and able to forage for food on its own, while a young adult pigeon may still rely on its parents for food.
  • An adult pigeon is typically larger and more robust than a young adult pigeon.
  • An adult pigeon may have already established a mate and a breeding territory, while a young adult pigeon may still be searching for a mate and a place to establish its own territory.
  • An adult pigeon is fully mature and able to reproduce, while a young adult pigeon is still in the process of reaching full maturity.

Final baby pigeon thoughts

As you can see, baby pigeons are fascinating creatures that go through many stages of development before reaching adulthood.

From their bald, pink beginnings, baby pigeons quickly grow and develop into fully-feathered adults with the unique color patterns and markings of their breed.

By understanding the different stages of a baby pigeon’s development, you can better appreciate the incredible transformation they go through in their short lives.

With proper care and nutrition, baby pigeons can thrive and grow into healthy, happy adults that are a joy to watch and be around.

Whether you are a bird enthusiast, a pigeon lover or just someone who appreciates the beauty and diversity of nature, the development of a baby pigeon is a truly amazing process to behold.

Olga Parij

I have been in love with pigeons since I rescued a baby pigeon - Gerard - who is now my mate.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Grażyna

    Niesamowite poświecenie aby przygarnąć takie maleństwo i wychować go, wykarmić. Godne podziwu.

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